Some history of the Billings Reservoir
 In 1896 William Mackenzie and associates acquired in São Paulo the
animal-Trams-line ("mules") and founded in Ontario - Canada
 the "Light"
SPTL&P - (Sao Paulo Traction Light & Power) which later
was named      Brazilian Traction Light & Power

        In 1906  the Sao Paulo Tramway, Light and Power Company, built the Guarapiranga Reservoir. In 1928 It started providing potable water for Sao Paulo;

        The Guarapiranga Reservoir =>
       In 1912 the group founded the Brazilian Traction, Light and Power Company Ltd., (in Brazil called "Light").
1927, the area currently occupied by the Billings Dam was flooded through the construction of the "Pedreira"-Dam by the course of the Rio Grande, also called  Jurubatuba River. The project was implemented by the former Light - "The São Paulo Tramway, Light and Power Company, Ltd.", nowadays "Eletropaulo", in order to harness the waters of the Upper Tietê for generating electricity at the hydroelectric power plant (HPP) Henry Borden in Cubatao, taking advantage of the Serra do Mar slope.
After the "mules" finally the electric Tram in São Paulo
      The Billings Resservoir is the largest freshwater reservoir in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo. It celebrated its 87 years in 2012. Was created to generate energy at the Henry Borden plant in Cubatao (name given in honor of engineer Asa White Kenney Billings, contracted by the Canadian company Tramway Light & Power).

Also the Billings may dry out in 40 years  ! internet  ==>>

  A crowded Tram      -       During the busy hours . . .
